Pára e Pensa
Pára e Pensa was created by a group of 11 young people who are in the process of conciliation with justice at Centro Educativo Santo António.
It was produced within the scope of the Laboratory of Art and Citizenship, a project supported by the EEA Grants through the Citizens Ativ@s Program managed by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Bissaya Barreto Foundation.
It is promoted by PELE and has as partners the General Directorate for Reinsertion and Prison Services, the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences of the University of Porto and the Associação Saber Compreender.
Between May 2019 and December 2021, the Laboratory involved 94 young people from Centro Educativo António, Centro Educativo Santa Clara and Vale do Sousa Prison, in 6 artistic experimentation workshops, leading to a process of activation and certification of soft skills.
This workshop was promoted by Pedro Santos, Ricardo Lopes and Tiago Araújo and had the support for the production of the video by João Miguel Ferreira and the audio recording of Miguel Azevedo and Rui Pedro Martelo.
We will continue together!