
azevedo sparks processes of collective conception and communitarian participation, promoting the stimulation of common spaces through artistic intervention.
In this context it aims at developing 4 micro-stories:
Satélite [Satellite], Centro Cultural Móvel [Mobile Cultural Center], Lugar-Comum [Common Place] and Parlamento Expandido [Expanded Parliament].
As part of a broader narrative, each of these micro-stories will be powered by dialogue between resident communities and invited creators, in a communal research that will foster the development of other forms of cultural identity.
Artistic direction: Fernando Almeida and Rodrigo Malvar.
Artistic team: Carina Moutinho, Janne Schöder, Sérgio Couto, João Miguel Ferreira, João Paulo Lima.
Study Group # CCM: Inês Carneiro, Simão Colares, Janne Schöder.
Curadoria #CCM: Lovers&Lollypops.
Construction modules #Satélite: Coletivo Suspeito and Artworks.
Production direction: Carina Moutinho
Executive production: Beatriz Brás
Production Assistant: Bruno Boaro
Evaluation and Monitoring: Lucelina Rosa
Grafic Design: Sérgio Couto
Video: João Miguel Miguel Ferreira
Partners: Câmara Municipal do Porto, Junta de Freguesia de Campanhã, Herdeiros de Serafim Gomes, STCP, Lipor, Fundipor, Argatintas, Amorim Cork Flooring, Lovers&Lollypops, Gorvel, Artworks, Projeto Cercar-te, Agrupamento de Escolas do Cerco, CATHU.
Co-financing: República Portuguesa – Cultura / DGArtes; Programa Operacional NORTE 2020, FSE